Japanese Print "Big Lantern - Annual Events of Edo Theater" by Torii Kiyosada

Japanese Print "Big Lantern - Annual Events of Edo Theater" by Torii Kiyosada, 鳥居清貞 (Torii Kiyosada)

Artist:Torii Kiyosada

Title:Big Lantern - Annual Events of Edo Theater


Details:More information...

Source:artelino - Japanese Prints
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"Oh-Edo Shibai Nenchu Gyoji; Oh-hako Chochin" (Annual Events of Edo Theater). Two large lanterns in front of the theater. They were used for the advertise for the speciality plays and roles for the popular actors.

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11% matchETM
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
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11% matchRits
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Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎゃうじ」「くじ取」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光ヵ)
11% matchRits
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「場釣り堤燈」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
11% matchWaseda
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
11% matchETM
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ 二ツ目」" by Unknown, 無款 (-)
11% matchTokyo
Japanese Print "O-memie, from the series Annual Events of the Theater in Edo (Ô-Edo shibai nenjû gyôji)" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (Adachi Ginkô)
11% matchMFA
Japanese Print "Riding in a Palanquin (Norikomi), from the series Annual Events of the Theater in Edo (Ô-Edo shibai nenjû gyôji)" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (Adachi Ginkô)
11% matchMFA
Japanese Print "Futatsume (second performance-usually historical), from the series Annual Events of the Theater in Edo (Ô-Edo shibai nenjû gyôji)" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (Adachi Ginkô)
11% matchMFA
Japanese Print "Sashidashi kantera / O-Edo shibai nenju-gyoji (Annual Events of the Edo Theatre)" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (Adachi Ginko (安達吟光))
11% matchBM
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
11% matchETM
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「二ツ目」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
11% matchWaseda
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
10% matchETM
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
10% matchETM
Japanese Print "Jo-biraki (The Opening), from the series Annual Events of the Theater in Edo (Ô-Edo shibai nenjû gyôji)" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (Adachi Ginkô)
10% matchMFA
Japanese Print "Kujitori, from the series Annual Events of the Theater in Edo (Ô-Edo shibai nenjû gyôji)" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (Adachi Ginkô)
10% matchMFA
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「披露目の口上」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
10% matchWaseda
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「板囲ひ」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
10% matchWaseda
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
10% matchETM
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
10% matchETM
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ 乗り込み」" by Unknown, 無款 (-)
10% matchTokyo
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ くじ取」" by Unknown, 無款 (-)
10% matchTokyo
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ さし出し・かんてら」" by Unknown, 無款 (-)
10% matchTokyo
Japanese Print "Okina-watashi, from the series Annual Events of the Theater in Edo (Ô-Edo shibai nenjû gyôji)" by Torii Kiyosada, 鳥居清貞 (Torii Kiyosada)
10% matchMFA
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「木戸羽織」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
10% matchWaseda
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
10% matchETM
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
10% matchETM
Japanese Print "Sashidashi kantera, from the series Annual Events of the Theater in Edo (Ô-Edo shibai nenjû gyôji)" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (Adachi Ginkô)
10% matchMFA
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「さしがねのかんてら」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
10% matchWaseda
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「黒札」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
10% matchWaseda
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ 場釣り提灯」" by Unknown, 無款 (-)
10% matchTokyo
Japanese Print "Mon-kanban, from the series Annual Events of the Theater in Edo (Ô-Edo shibai nenjû gyôji)" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (Adachi Ginkô)
10% matchMFA
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ 黒札」" by Unknown, 無款 (-)
10% matchTokyo
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「猿若狂言」" by Torii Kiyosada, 鳥居清貞 (清貞)
10% matchWaseda
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
9% matchETM
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ 引幕と口上」" by Unknown, 無款 (-)
9% matchTokyo
Japanese Print "Front Door Entertainers (Kido-haori), from the series Annual Events of the Theater in Edo (Ô-Edo shibai nenjû gyôji)" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (Adachi Ginkô)
9% matchMFA
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「目録口上」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
9% matchWaseda
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「お目見得」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
9% matchWaseda
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「くじ取」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
9% matchWaseda
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「引幕にて口上」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
9% matchWaseda
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
9% matchETM
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「場釣り堤燈」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
9% matchWaseda
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ 木戸羽織」" by Unknown, 無款 (-)
9% matchTokyo
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
9% matchETM
Japanese Print "The Blackboard (Kurofuda), from the series Annual Events of the Theater in Edo (Ô-Edo shibai nenjû gyôji)" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (Adachi Ginkô)
9% matchMFA
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎゃうじ」「乗り込み」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光ヵ)
9% matchRits
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「紋看板」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
9% matchWaseda
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ 読み立て」" by Unknown, 無款 (-)
9% matchTokyo
Japanese Print "Kanteiryu (a kind of calligraphy), from the series Annual Events of the Theater in Edo (Ô-Edo shibai nenjû gyôji)" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (Adachi Ginkô)
9% matchMFA
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
9% matchETM
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「感亭流」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
9% matchWaseda
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎゃうじ」「目録口上」" by Unknown, 無款 (無款)
8% matchRits
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
8% matchETM
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
8% matchETM
Japanese Print by Unknown, 無款 ()
8% matchETM
Japanese Print "「大江戸しばゐねんぢうぎやうじ」「乗り込み」" by Adachi Ginko, 安達吟光 (吟光)
7% matchWaseda