Utagawa Hiroshige: Snow at Yamanaka Village Near Fujikawa - Japanese Art Open Database

Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige

Title: Snow at Yamanaka Village Near Fujikawa

Date: 1855

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Source: Japanese Art Open Database
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Upright Tokaido Series: # 38 Fujikawa Artist: Hiroshige I Format: Oban tate-e: 14.25" x 9.5" Subject: 'The masterpiece of the series: a famous snow scene. Travellers entering the village down a steep slope, at the foot of which stretch the houses overlooking the river. In the background a range of snow-covered mountains.' Stewart Subjects Portrayed in Japanese Colour Prints. Publisher: Tsutaya Kichizo Date: 1855 Condition: Fine colors. Full size with large margins. Laid down on Japanese album backing paper. Expertly repaired album binding holes along left edge. Very minor marks and flaws. Generally fine state of preservation. Impression: Fine impression.

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