Japanese Print "Famous Flute - One Hundred Poems - no.41" by Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Artist:Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Title:Famous Flute - One Hundred Poems - no.41
Date:1843 - 46.
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Source:artelino - Japanese Prints
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Ogura Nazorae Hyakunin Issu" (Ogura Imitation of One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets) No.41. Poem by Mibu no Tadami, "It is true I love, but the rumor of my love had gone far and wide, when people should not have known that I had begun to love." (Lower cartouche) Hasebe Nobutsura retrieved the famous flute, "Semiore" and escapes from the army of Heike.
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