Utagawa Hiroshige: Numazu - Minneapolis Institute of Arts

Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige

Title: Numazu

Date: August 1854

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Source: Minneapolis Institute of Arts
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In addition to being a town along the Tokaido Roadway, Numazu was also the setting a famous scene in the Kabuki play, Igagoe. In this play, a traveler named Jubei is befriended by a local porter who invites the young man to his home. Through a series of mishaps, it is eventually revealed that the porter's daughter, Oyone, is actually Jubei's sister. In this print, Kunisada shows Oyone folding Jubei's jacket probably unaware, at this point, that they are siblings. Above, Hiroshige provides a scene of Numazu at the foot of Ashigara Mountain.

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