Japanese Print "Kamogawa Sightseeing — 加茂川遊覧" by Utagawa Hiroshige II

Japanese Print "Kamogawa Sightseeing — 加茂川遊覧" by Utagawa Hiroshige II, 二歌川広重 (Hiroshige 2 (二代広重))

Artist:Utagawa Hiroshige II

Title:Kamogawa Sightseeing — 加茂川遊覧


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Source:Japanese Art Open Database
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Famous Places on the Tokaido: The River Artist: Hiroshige II Format: Oban tate-e: 13.5" x 9.25" Subject: Two men giving directions to passing travellers, behind a man letting his Ox drink from the river. Publisher: Enshuya Hikobei Date: 1863 Condition: Fine colors. Slightly trimmed in margins. Traces from a previous matting at edges on verso. Minor stains, creases, marks, soils and flaws. Generally moderately good state of preservation. Impression: Very good impression.

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