Utagawa Hiroshige: Silk-goods Lane, Ödenma-chö - Honolulu Museum of Art

Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige

Title: Silk-goods Lane, Ödenma-chö

Date: 1858

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Source: Honolulu Museum of Art
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Edo was a city filled with wooden buildings, in which fires were frequent and rebuilding was constant, especially after the earthquake. Carpenters were thus among the proudest and most powerful artisans of the city, as we sense from this boisterous procession, called “sending off the master carpenter” which followed the ridgepole-raising ceremony for a new building. To the left is the great dry goods house of Daimaru (present-day Daimaru department store). (from Good News from Hiroshige exhibition 10/9/2008-)

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