Utagawa Hiroshige II: Foreigners Riding Along the Coast at Takanawa in the Eastern Capital (Tôtô Takanawa kaigen), from the series One Hundred Views of Famous Places in Various Provinces (Shôkoku meishô hyakkei), published by Uoya Eikichi, Late Edo period, ninth month of 1861 - Harvard Art Museum

Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige II

Title: Foreigners Riding Along the Coast at Takanawa in the Eastern Capital (Tôtô Takanawa kaigen), from the series One Hundred Views of Famous Places in Various Provinces (Shôkoku meishô hyakkei), published by Uoya Eikichi, Late Edo period, ninth month of 1861

Date: Edo period, Late, 1789-1868

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Source: Harvard Art Museum
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