Japanese Print "Dragon Mouth Mountain in Bizen Province (Bizen ryukozan), from the series One Hundred Famous Places inthe Provinces (Shokoku meisho hyakkei)" by Utagawa Hiroshige II

Japanese Print "Dragon Mouth Mountain in Bizen Province (Bizen ryukozan), from the series One Hundred Famous Places inthe Provinces (Shokoku meisho hyakkei)" by Utagawa Hiroshige II, 二歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige II)

Artist:Utagawa Hiroshige II

Title:Dragon Mouth Mountain in Bizen Province (Bizen ryukozan), from the series One Hundred Famous Places inthe Provinces (Shokoku meisho hyakkei)


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Source:Legion of Honor
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Utagawa Hiroshige II, Japanese, 1826–1869 Uoya Eikichi (publisher), Japanese Dragon Mouth Mountain in Bizen Province (Bizen ryukozan), from the series One Hundred Famous Places inthe Provinces (Shokoku meisho hyakkei), 1860 Color woodcut Image: 334 x 220 mm (13 1/8 x 8 11/16 in.) Gift of Miss Carlotta Mabury 54755.716

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