Kikugawa Eizan: Rosei kantan issui no yume 魯生耶潭一炊夢 (Lu Sheng's Transient Dream at Handan) - British Museum

Artist: Kikugawa Eizan

Title: Rosei kantan issui no yume 魯生耶潭一炊夢 (Lu Sheng's Transient Dream at Handan)

Date: 1820 (c.)

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Source: British Museum
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Colour woodblock-printed triptych, mitate-e. Parody of Lu Sheng's (J: Rosei) dream, here dreaming of the pleasures of contemporary Edo (Tokyo) at Shinagawa: Greeting sunrise in boat on Edo Bay, feasting in restaurant, being entertained to classical music; joining procession of top-rank courtesan under cherry-blossom. Inscribed, signed and marked.

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