Japanese Print "Citizens Greeting the Carriage of His Imperial Majesty and Commander-in-Chief upon His Return through the Triumphal Arch (Daigensui heika gokan kôgaisenmon gotsûren shimin hôgei no shinzu)" by Ogata Gekko

Japanese Print "Citizens Greeting the Carriage of His Imperial Majesty and Commander-in-Chief upon His Return through the Triumphal Arch (Daigensui heika gokan kôgaisenmon gotsûren shimin hôgei no shinzu)" by Ogata Gekko, 尾形月耕 (Ogata Gekkô)

Artist:Ogata Gekko

Title:Citizens Greeting the Carriage of His Imperial Majesty and Commander-in-Chief upon His Return through the Triumphal Arch (Daigensui heika gokan kôgaisenmon gotsûren shimin hôgei no shinzu)


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Source:Museum of Fine Arts
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