Japanese Print "Illustration of Nobility Departing from the Gate in front of the Nishimaru Building of the New Imperial Palace (Nishimaru shin kôkyo ki... goshutsumon no zu)" by Utagawa Kunisada III

Japanese Print "Illustration of Nobility Departing from the Gate in front of the Nishimaru Building of the New Imperial Palace (Nishimaru shin kôkyo ki... goshutsumon no zu)" by Utagawa Kunisada III, 歌川国貞三代 (Utagawa Kunisada III (Kunimasa IV, Toyokuni V))

Artist:Utagawa Kunisada III

Title:Illustration of Nobility Departing from the Gate in front of the Nishimaru Building of the New Imperial Palace (Nishimaru shin kôkyo ki... goshutsumon no zu)


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Source:Museum of Fine Arts
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