Torii Kiyonaga: At Kyô-machi Itchôme, Court Ladies Viewing Cherry Blossoms (Kyômachi Itchôme Hana no en kanjo sugata), from the series A Collection of Skits from the Niwaka Festival in the Pleasure Quarters (Seirô Niwaka kyôgen zukushi) - Museum of Fine Arts

Artist: Torii Kiyonaga

Title: At Kyô-machi Itchôme, Court Ladies Viewing Cherry Blossoms (Kyômachi Itchôme Hana no en kanjo sugata), from the series A Collection of Skits from the Niwaka Festival in the Pleasure Quarters (Seirô Niwaka kyôgen zukushi)

Date: 1781

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Source: Museum of Fine Arts
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