Utagawa Kunisada: - Richard Kruml

Artist: Utagawa Kunisada

Date: 1844

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Source: Richard Kruml
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A complete set of five prints of otokodate ( chivalrous men ) showing the champions: Kanoko Kanpei; Kanto Koroku; Hon’machi Amigoro; Shimano Shinpei; and Benkei Tazaemon. This is a complimentary set to a series “Complimentary Stripes Woven to Order” of bijin busts also showing strong textile backgrounds commissioned to advertise the latest fabrics for the beginning of the New Year. Published by Miyakozawa 1844-6. Fine impressions and colour. Slight trimming and light album backing. Very good condition. Signed Oju ( by order ) Toyokuni ga. Status: Sold

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