Utagawa Hiroshige: - Richard Kruml

Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige

Date: 1846

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Source: Richard Kruml
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Yoshitsune senbon zakura, “Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees” from an extremely rare set: Kokon joruri tsukushi, “Ancient and Modern Dramas Illustrated.” The set published c 1846 by Sanoki. Basil Stewart listed 14 known designs in his Subjects Portrayed in Japanese Colour-Prints, Kegan Paul, 1922, p. 308 and this was updated to 15 by Strange in 1925 ( which still seems to be the known number extant for this set ). Shows the fox Tadanobu and Yoshitsune’s lover Shizuka-gozen. Very fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga. Status: Sold

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