Japanese Print by Utagawa Hiroshige

Japanese Print by Ichiryusai Hiroshige (Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE)

Artist:Utagawa Hiroshige


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Source:Richard Kruml
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The Kinuta ( or Toi ) River in Settsu Province from the vertical Shokoku Mu Tama-gawa, the “Six Tama [ Crystal ] Rivers of Various Provinces.” ( So-called because these streams were noted for the purity of their water. ) Published by Marukyo, 11/1857. Shows two girls fulling cloth beneath a full moon. ( Toi is also the word for beating cloth. ) See the Shunman on this website in Beauties for another print of the same subject. The best design from the set and a beautiful composition. Fine impression and colour. Some minimal soil in margins, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga. Status: Sold

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