Japanese Print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Japanese Print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (Utagawa KUNIYOSHI)

Artist:Utagawa Kuniyoshi


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Source:Richard Kruml
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Morozumi Masakiyo, Lord of Bungo, and retainer of the Takeda being blown up by a cannonball or landmine whilst committing suicide with his sword. The best design from a set Koetsu yusho den, “Biographies of Brave Generals from the Provinces of Kai and Echigo.” The series shows heroic acts during battles that took place between the troops of Takeda Shungen of Kai Province and Kenshin Tora of Echigo Province during 1553-1564 at Kawanakajima. Published by Sumiyoshiya Masagoro, c 1849. Illustrated in colour, Robinson, Kuniyoshi The Warrior-Prints, Phaidon, 1982, pl. 20, S63.9 and elsewhere. One of Kuniyoshi’s finest oban designs. Very good impression. Some oxidation, otherwise very good colour and condition. Signed Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga. Status: Available

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