Artist: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Title: The Lonely House on Adachi Moor in Northern Japan — 奥州安達がはらひとつ家の図
Date: 1885
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Wednesday, 15 October 2008 Artist: Yoshitoshi (Kakemono-e) Date: September 1885 Size/Format: Oban vertical diptych, 9ins by 28 ins overall Description: The Lonely House on Adachi Moor. This macabre design shows the hag of Adachi moor, a legendary figure who drank the blood of unborn children. Series: Oshu adachigahara hitotsuya no zu Carver: Chokuzan Publisher: Matsui Eikichi Condition: Some overall trimming, principally to left edge, otherwise very fine. Pristine colour. Impression: Exceptionally fine. Notes: A very early impression of the first state with an additional purple block applied to highlight the rope burns and bruising on the hapless girl. Price: 」2400 (SOLD)