Kitagawa Utamaro: Okita the Naniwaya Tea-shop Waitress - Japanese Art Open Database

Artist: Kitagawa Utamaro

Title: Okita the Naniwaya Tea-shop Waitress

Date: Not set

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Source: Japanese Art Open Database
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Okita the Naniwaya Tea-shop Waitress, by Kitagawa Utamaro (1753-1806) Utamaro, unrivaled in his ability to depict women, also chose to depict women from all walks of life, not just the pleasure quarters. The artless charms of townswomen became the object of Utamaro's gaze. This print shows Okita, a waitress at a tea and drink shop near the ___ gate at Asakusa. Okita's beauty was discovered in 1793, when she was 14 years old. Tradition has it that she was so popular, the shopkeepers had to throw water on the clamoring crowds that flocked to her tea-shop.

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