Japanese Print "Snow in the Grounds of the Tenmangu Shrine, Kameido — 亀戸天満宮境内雪" by Utagawa Hiroshige
Artist:Utagawa Hiroshige
Title:Snow in the Grounds of the Tenmangu Shrine, Kameido — 亀戸天満宮境内雪
Date:Not set
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Source:Japanese Art Open Database
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Hiroshige Utagawa (1797-1858) Famous Places in Edo: Snow in the Grounds of the Tenmangu Shrine, Kameido 作者:歌川(安藤)広重(寛政9〜安政5) 画題:東都名所 亀戸天満宮境内雪 版元:佐野屋喜兵衛 年代等:極印 体裁:大判錦絵〔24.0×36.9cm〕 署名:広重画 弌立斎
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