Utagawa Hiroshige: Fukuroi — 袋井 - Japanese Art Open Database

Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige

Title: Fukuroi — 袋井

Date: Not set

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Source: Japanese Art Open Database
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28 Fukuroi Coolies resting by a wayside shelter, while a large kettle, hung from the branch of a tree, is boiling; a woman stirs the fire, while a coolie lights his pipe at it. Close against the tree stands a road direction post, and on the right is a bird perched upon a wayside noticeboard; behind are rice fields, at the edge of which stands the village. In this vicinity the highway passed through desolate fields and it was uncomfortable to journey along during the summer months. However, this district was renowned for its strong winds in winter when kite flying was a popular local pastime.

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