Suzuki Harunobu: Shell Series: Sparrow Shell - Japanese Art Open Database

Artist: Suzuki Harunobu

Title: Shell Series: Sparrow Shell

Date: Not set

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Source: Japanese Art Open Database
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Shell Series: Sparrow Shell Artist: Harunobu Format: Small Oban tate-e: 11" x 8" Subject: The Sparrow Shell. 'Suzeme-Gai'. A young man dallies with his wife while their baby suckles on her bared breast. Provenance: oval red seal of the Theodore Scheiwe Collection on verso bottom left. A magnificent and lyrical Harunobu design. Date: Late 1760's Condition: Very good colors with very slight oxidation of the pink pigment. Some small and expert restorations. Very faint horizontal centrefold. Generally exeptional state of preservation. Impression: Fine impression with the Mosquito net printed in gauffrage.

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