Keisai Eisen: The Courtesan Hitomoto of the Daimonjiya House — 大文字屋内ひともと - Japanese Art Open Database

Artist: Keisai Eisen

Title: The Courtesan Hitomoto of the Daimonjiya House — 大文字屋内ひともと

Date: Not set

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Source: Japanese Art Open Database
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Eisen Keisai (1791-1848) Contemporary Scenes in the Pleasure Quarters (Tosei Kuruwa Fuzoku): The Courtesan Hitomoto of the Daimonjiya House 作者:渓斎英泉(寛政3〜嘉永元) 画題:当世廊風俗 大文字屋内ひともと 版元:若狭屋与一 年代等:極印 体裁:大判錦絵〔38.6×26.2cm〕 署名:英泉画

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