Utagawa Toyohiro: Nigatsu sanmai tsuzuki 二月三牧續 (The Second Month) / Toyokuni Toyohiro ryoga juniko 豊國豊廣両画十二候 (The Twelve Seasons Painted by Toyohiro and Toyokuni) - British Museum

Artist: Utagawa Toyohiro

Title: Nigatsu sanmai tsuzuki 二月三牧續 (The Second Month) / Toyokuni Toyohiro ryoga juniko 豊國豊廣両画十二候 (The Twelve Seasons Painted by Toyohiro and Toyokuni)

Date: 1801

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Source: British Museum
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Colour woodblock print, one sheet of a triptych. Prostitutes of Shin Yoshiwara district preparing for festival of Inari: making flower-arrangements in left; preparing offerings in right; writing dedicatory inscription in centre. Inscribed, signed and marked.

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