Utagawa Kuniyoshi: Ansei kōu jūichi-gatsu nijūsan-nichi Ryogoku-bashi matari-zome no zu (First Crossing of Ryogoku Bridge (after Rebuilding) on the 23rd day of the eleventh month, 1855) - British Museum

Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Title: Ansei kōu jūichi-gatsu nijūsan-nichi Ryogoku-bashi matari-zome no zu (First Crossing of Ryogoku Bridge (after Rebuilding) on the 23rd day of the eleventh month, 1855)

Date: 1855 (11th month)

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Source: British Museum
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Woodblock triptych print, oban tate-e. Procession crossing of Ryogoku Bridge, on the 23rd day of the eleventh month, 1855.

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