Utagawa Kuniyoshi: Hagi no Tamagawa, Mikatsu 萩の玉川, 三勝 / Koto nishiki imayo kuni zukushi 江都錦今様国盡 (Modern Style Set of the Provinces in Edo Brocade) - British Museum

Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Title: Hagi no Tamagawa, Mikatsu 萩の玉川, 三勝 / Koto nishiki imayo kuni zukushi 江都錦今様国盡 (Modern Style Set of the Provinces in Edo Brocade)

Date: 1852 (8th month)

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Source: British Museum
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Woodblock print, oban tate-e. Top: Omi Province: three women in front of the Hagi Tamagawa (Jewel River). Bottom: Mino Province: the actor Iwai Hanshiro VI as Mikatsu.

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