Utagawa Kuniyoshi: Chunagon Asatada 中納言朝忠 / Sanju-rokkasen dojo kyokun kagami 三十六歌仙童女教訓鑑 (Thirty-six Immortals of Poetry: Mirror of Ethics for Girls) - British Museum

Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Title: Chunagon Asatada 中納言朝忠 / Sanju-rokkasen dojo kyokun kagami 三十六歌仙童女教訓鑑 (Thirty-six Immortals of Poetry: Mirror of Ethics for Girls)

Date: 1843

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Source: British Museum
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Woodblock print, oban tate-e. Woman in a blue and white turban seated at a looming machine and weaving. Poem inscribed above.

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