Toyohara Chikanobu: Battle of Gojo Bridge - Benkei and Ushiwaka - Artelino

Artist: Toyohara Chikanobu

Title: Battle of Gojo Bridge - Benkei and Ushiwaka

Date: Ca. 1880 - 1890s.

Details & Prices: Toyohara Chikanobu: Battle of Gojo Bridge - Benkei and Ushiwaka - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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Famous fight between Ushiwakamaru (Later, known as Minamoto Yoshitsune: Played by kabuki actor Onoe Kikugoro) and Benkei (left: played by Ichikawa Sadanji) on Gojo Bridge. Asides from the scenes in the military affairs in Meiji era, or in kabuki plays, Chikanobu seldom produced traditional warrior genre prints.

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