Toyohara Kunichika: Dog Hero - The Hundred Roles of Baiko - Artelino

Artist: Toyohara Kunichika

Title: Dog Hero - The Hundred Roles of Baiko

Date: 1893.

Details & Prices: Toyohara Kunichika: Dog Hero - The Hundred Roles of Baiko - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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"Baiko Hyakushu no Uchi" (One Hundred Kabuki Roles of Onoe Baiko). Inuzuka Shino. Kabuki actor Ichikawa Danjuro (in the top inset) plays Shino's rival, Inukai Gempachi. They are two of the eight dog-heroes in the play "Nanso Satomi Hakken Den".

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