Toyohara Kunichika: Tattoo vs. Sumo - One Hundred Roles by Baiko - Artelino

Artist: Toyohara Kunichika

Title: Tattoo vs. Sumo - One Hundred Roles by Baiko

Date: 1893.

Details & Prices: Toyohara Kunichika: Tattoo vs. Sumo - One Hundred Roles by Baiko - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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"Baiko Hyakushu no Uchi" (One Hundred Kabuki Roles by Onoe Baiko) no. 93. Group of Edo fire fighters and sumo wrestlers were at their dispute. Tatsugoro of "Me" group with dragon tattoo. Upper Inset: Nakamura Shikan is in the role of sumo wrestler Yotsuguruma Daihachi.

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