Toyohara Chikanobu: Samurai and Globeflower - Setsu Getsu Ka - Artelino

Artist: Toyohara Chikanobu

Title: Samurai and Globeflower - Setsu Getsu Ka

Date: 1884.

Details & Prices: Toyohara Chikanobu: Samurai and Globeflower - Setsu Getsu Ka - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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From the series, "Setsu Getsu Ka" (Snow Flower Moon), one of Chikanobu's best series. "Musashi; Flower". Lord of Edo Castle, Ohta Dokan was hunting with falcon at Takada. A sudden rain shower started. He went to a village house nearby to borrow a straw raincoat. The girl of the house presented him only a branch of Japanese globeflowers without saying anything. Later, he was told that the flower suggested an old poem which meant that she did not have a straw raincoat. Dokan shamed that he did not know the poem, and he started learning the old waka poems.

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