Toyohara Kunichika: Ghost Peony Lantern - One Hundred Kabuki Roles by Onoe Baiko - Artelino

Artist: Toyohara Kunichika

Title: Ghost Peony Lantern - One Hundred Kabuki Roles by Onoe Baiko

Date: 1893.

Details & Prices: Toyohara Kunichika: Ghost Peony Lantern - One Hundred Kabuki Roles by Onoe Baiko - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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"Baiko Hyakushu no Uchi" (One Hundred Kabuki Roles by Onoe Baiko) no. 18. Okome holds a peony lantern while her mistress Otsuyu visits Shinzaburo. Otsuyu was in love with Shinzaburo but she and Okome died of fever disease. Eversince, the wooden sandals' footsteps echo before their ghostly figures show up in front of Shinzaburo's house.

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