Toyohara Kunichika: Flute Player and Robber - One Hundred Kabuki Roles by Onoe Baiko - Artelino

Artist: Toyohara Kunichika

Title: Flute Player and Robber - One Hundred Kabuki Roles by Onoe Baiko

Date: 1893.

Details & Prices: Toyohara Kunichika: Flute Player and Robber - One Hundred Kabuki Roles by Onoe Baiko - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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"Baiko Hyakushu no Uchi" (One Hundred Kabuki Roles by Onoe Baiko) no. 81. Robber Hakamadare. Famed flute player Yasumasa is in the top inset. Hakamadare wanted to rob Yasumasa but he ended up following Yasumasa to the house because he was so enchanted by the music. Interesting hair-do which is actually the expression of the overgrown hair.

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