Japanese Print "Twelve Views of Tokyo: Twelve Views of Tokyo (Tokyo Junikei: Tokyo Junikei)" by Ishii Hakutei
Artist:Ishii Hakutei
Title:Twelve Views of Tokyo: Twelve Views of Tokyo (Tokyo Junikei: Tokyo Junikei)
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Source:Scholten Japanese Art
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A group of nine prints (the only designs issued) from the incomplete set, together with a title page with colophon and commentary by the artist issued mid-production. The blocks for all the prints were carved by Igami Bonkotsu (1875-1933). The first two designs, Yoshicho and Yanagibashi, were published by Takamura Kotaro at the Rokando art shop ca. 1910; the remaining seven designs and the title page were published (along with the second editions of the first two prints) by Nakajima Shigetaro (Yanagiya-shoten, Seikado) ca. 1914-17.
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