Japanese Print "Souvenirs of Travel, Third Series: Gozanoishi Shrine at Lake Tazawa (Tabi miyage dai sanshu: Tazawako Gozanoishi)" by Kawase Hasui

Japanese Print "Souvenirs of Travel, Third Series: Gozanoishi Shrine at Lake Tazawa (Tabi miyage dai sanshu: Tazawako Gozanoishi)" by Kawase Hasui, 川瀬巴水 (Kawase Hasui)

Artist:Kawase Hasui

Title:Souvenirs of Travel, Third Series: Gozanoishi Shrine at Lake Tazawa (Tabi miyage dai sanshu: Tazawako Gozanoishi)


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Source:Scholten Japanese Art
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signed Hasui with artist's seal Kawase, with publisher's seal, Hanken shoyu Watanabe Shozaburo (Copyright ownership Watanabe Shozaburo) on lower right margin (Hotei 'B' seal, ca. 1924-30), the print title on left margin, Tazawako Gozzanoishi, followed by the date, Taisho jugonen saku (work of Taisho 15 [1926])

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