Tsukioka Yoshitoshi: New Forms of Thirty-Six Ghosts: The Fox-Woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child (Shinkei Sanjurokkaisen: Shinkei Sanjurokkaisen: Kuzunoha Kitsune doji ni wakaruru no zu) - Scholten Japanese Art

Artist: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Title: New Forms of Thirty-Six Ghosts: The Fox-Woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child (Shinkei Sanjurokkaisen: Shinkei Sanjurokkaisen: Kuzunoha Kitsune doji ni wakaruru no zu)

Date: 1890

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Source: Scholten Japanese Art
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the fox-bride Kuzunoha turns away from her son tugging at her kimono, while her body and hair are that of a beauty, the silhouette of her face through the shoji door is the unmistakable form of a vixen, her black obi embellished with burnishing; signed on the shoji panel at left, Yoshitoshi, with artist's rectangular seal Yoshitoshi, the series title Shinkei Sanjurokkaisen along the top margin, the print title in the two-color cartouche at the upper right, dated at lower left margin, Meiji nijusannen (Meiji 23 [1890]), followed by publisher's details of Sasaki Toyokichi (Tokyo, Kyobashi-ku, Owari-cho 2-1), and by carver's seal Chokuzan

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