Japanese Print by Okumura Masanobu

Japanese Print by Okumura Masanobu, 奥村政信 (Okumura MASANOBU)

Artist:Okumura Masanobu


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Source:Richard Kruml
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A major artist attributed with the invention of the hashira-e and uki-e and who may have been the first to change from hand colouring to colour printing. Tera no kashi, “Sweets From a Temple” from Masanobu’s most highly regarded shunga set: Someiro no yama neya no hinagata, “Mountains of Dyed Colours, Examples of Bedrooms.” Published c. 1735. Sub-title: Sato Kosho sai, Kichisaburo. Shows a young monk copulating with a beauty in the vicinity of a temple. Hence the punning title. Four other illustrations from this set illustrated in Shunga, Tom and Mary Evans, 1975, 5.64 – 5.67. Extremely rare. Very good impression. Careful contemporary hand colouring ( as all prints for this series ). The red pigment with gum added. Centre fold ( as per usual ) with repair at top edge. Slight soil, otherwise very good condition for this period. Unsigned. Status: Available

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