Japanese Print by Isoda Koryusai

Japanese Print by Isoda Koryusai, 磯田湖龍齋 (Isoda KORYUSAI)

Artist:Isoda Koryusai

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Source:Richard Kruml
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A dragon emerging from a muddy mire. Presumably a depiction of the dragon brought forth by Chinnan to produce rain in the parched village of Sogo. Koryusai copied a drawing or painting by Ganki ( top right inscription reads: ‘Painted by Ganki’ ). Extremely rare. I cannot locate another impression at present. Very good impression. Colour applied by hand: Sumi; green ( on fangs ); gofun ( on claws ). Sumi also scraped or brushed on to simulate sprayed mud. One or two repaired wormholes and signs of mounting au verso, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hokyo Koryusai sha ( ‘Copied by Koryusai’ ). Status: Sold

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