Japanese Print by Onishi Chinnen

Japanese Print by Onishi Chinnen, 大西椿年 (Onishi CHINNEN)

Artist:Onishi Chinnen


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Source:Richard Kruml
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One volume complete: Sonan gafu, “A Book of Drawings by Sonan.” One of the best known Shijo books. Much admired by Jack Hillier who used the double page illustration of Fuji and pines for the covers to his 2 vol. book: The Art of the Japanese Book. Original crimped yellow covers with green medallion design. Original title slip. Preface 6 pp. dated Tempo 3 ( 1832 ); 1 p. table of contents followed by 25 double-page colour illustrations. Last page dated Tempo 3 ( 1832 ), signed Chinnen with seal Onishi Chinnen. Inside back cover: colophon, dated Tempo 5 ( 1834 ). Publishers Kobayashi Shimbei and Osakaya Gembei, Edo. Provenance: Ex collections H.M.Kaempfer and Theodore Duret ( seals on last page ). Covers somewhat worn and some slight thumbing, marks and off-setting throughout. Generally good condition. Status: Available

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