Tsuchiya Koitsu: Plum Nightingale- Koban - Japanese Art Open Database

Artist: Tsuchiya Koitsu

Title: Plum Nightingale- Koban

Date: 1948

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Source: Japanese Art Open Database
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This vintage wood block / woodblock print is an original print -- it depicts a bird on a limb in blues and greens. It is signed, but the signature is hidden beneath the edge of the frame, so I had to take the print out of the frame to photograph it. The signature is an Eastern Symbol, so I can't read it. This is an estate sale find and it's original owner traveled all over the world collecting art, but that's all the information I have about it. It is framed under glass. It measures about 9 1/2" X 11 1/2" in the framed.

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