Utagawa Kunisada: Cherry Blossom Viewing by Lamplight - Japanese Art Open Database

Artist: Utagawa Kunisada

Title: Cherry Blossom Viewing by Lamplight

Date: Not set

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Source: Japanese Art Open Database
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Triptych: Cherry Blossom Viewing by Lamplight Artist: Kunisada Format: Oban triptych: each sheet 14.5" x 9.5" approx Subject: Night scene with Prince Genji, accompanied by two bijin attendants, viewing Cherry blossoms in the Gay quarter by lamplight. A highly decorative and atmospheric design. Publisher: Tsuruya Kiemon Date: c.1850 Condition: Full size. Light wear and creases. Minor marks and flaws. Generally good state of preservation. Colour: Very good Impression: Very good with gauffrage

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