Japanese Print "The Adventures of Kinokuniya Bunzaemon — 紀伊国屋文左衛門の冒険" by Kobayashi Shuko (小林習古)
Artist:Kobayashi Shuko (小林習古)
Title:The Adventures of Kinokuniya Bunzaemon — 紀伊国屋文左衛門の冒険
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Source:Japanese Art Open Database
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Thursday, 8 May 2008 石版画・教育立身画「紀伊国屋文左衛門の冒険」、明治35年 「‥一挙に巨万の利を得た蜜柑船の図‥」、46×61センチ、小林習古画、松声堂、上及右欄外に裂 Kinokuniya Bunzaemon (紀伊国屋文左衛門)(1669-1734) was a Japanese merchant of the Edo period, specializing in citrus, lumber, and salmon, among other goods. He enjoyed the favoritism and protection of shogunal advisor Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu and shogunal minister of finances Ogura Shigehide, and made a sizeable fortune as a result. When these two retired, so did Kinokuniya.