Japanese Print "Oiwa, the Heroine of the Ghost story "Yotsuya Kaidan" — おいわ" by Gyosai, Kawanabe (河鍋暁斎)
Artist:Gyosai, Kawanabe (河鍋暁斎)
Title:Oiwa, the Heroine of the Ghost story "Yotsuya Kaidan" — おいわ
Date:Not set
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Source:Japanese Art Open Database
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Gyousai Kawanabe (1831-89) Oiwa, the Heroine of the Ghost story “Yotsuya Kaidan” (Painting on Silk) 作者:河鍋暁斎(天保2〜明治22) 画題:〔おいわ〕 体裁:肉筆絹本〔48.7 x 25.1cm〕 署名:惺々暁斎画、(朱印)暁斎印