Artist: Hosoda Eishi
Title: Mitsuito of the Hyogoya House — 兵庫屋内三つ糸
Date: Not set
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Eishi Chobunsai (1756-1815) A Collection of Young Aprentice Courtesan to the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove (Shichi Kenjin Yatsushi Bijin Shinzo Zoroi): Mitsuito of the Hyogoya House 作者:鳥文斎栄之(宝暦6〜文化12) 画題:七賢人略美人新造揃 兵庫屋内三つ糸 版元:岩戸屋喜三郎 年代等:極印 体裁:大判錦絵〔38.7×25.9 cm〕 署名:栄之図