Toyohara Chikanobu: 4- Minziqian - Binshiken Yields to His Step-Brothers - Japanese Art Open Database

Artist: Toyohara Chikanobu

Title: 4- Minziqian - Binshiken Yields to His Step-Brothers

Date: 1891

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Source: Japanese Art Open Database
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Artist Name: Chikanobu Toyohara Artist Dates: (Takada, Niigata-ken, 1838 - 1912) Title: Picture Contest of Parody of the Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety: No. 4, Minziqian - Binshiken Yields to His Step-Brothers Creation Date: 1890 - 1891 Century: 19th c Dimensions: 14 in. x 9 3/8 in. (35.56 cm x 23.81 cm) Marks: Signed: Yoshu Chikanobu. Seal: Toshidama. Carver: Hori Asa. Object Description: Minziqian had a stepmother who gave preference to her own sons and bought them whatever they wanted. When Minziqian's father found out, he ordered his wife out of the house, but Minziqian begged for her return so that his stepbrothers would not suffer. Here a lad in inexpensive cotton robes seems reluctant to stay home while his well-dressed siblings go out. His brother is dressed in European-style clothes, while his sister wears a fancy red silk kimono. Publisher: Hasegawa Tsunejiro.

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