Utagawa Kuniyoshi: Battle at Dannoura - Honolulu Museum of Art

Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Title: Battle at Dannoura

Date: c. 1843 - 1847

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Source: Honolulu Museum of Art
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The Battle at Dannoura (located in modern Yamaguchi Prefecture) in 1185 was the famous final conflict between the Taira clan (Heike) and the Minamoto family (Genji), during which the Taira clan was completely devastated. This print portrays a dramatic scene from the battle at sea. The stylized patterns of black waves help to evoke the sense of fear and panic that the participants must have felt. In the left panel, Noritsune (the central figure) attempts to catch Yoshitsune, but Yoshitsune jumps from ship to ship and escapes. This crucial battle led a victory over the Taira (Heike) clan. As a result, Minamoto no Yoritomo became shogun and established the Kamakura government. However, Yoshitsune was falsely accused of revolt against his half brother, Yoritomo, and exiled. Since then, Yoshitsune’s character has appeared in numerous historical stories and Kabuki plays in which he is frequently idealized as the perfect Japanese hero—loyal, handsome, and tragic. "Imagination, Power Humor: The Art of Utagawa Kuniyoshi" 10/14/2010 - 12/19/2010 ****************************************

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