Artist: Toshusai Sharaku
Title: The Actors Sanogawa Ichimatsu III and Ichikawa Tomiemon, plate 11 from the portfolio Sharaku, Vol. 1 (Tokyo: Adachi Colour Print Studio, 1940)
Date: 1940
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Legion of Honor
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After Toshusai Sharaku, Japanese, active 1794–1795 T. Adachi (publisher), Japanese, active 20th century The Actors Sanogawa Ichimatsu III and Ichikawa Tomiemon, plate 11 from the portfolio Sharaku, Vol. 1 (Tokyo: Adachi Colour Print Studio, 1940), 1940 Color woodcut on dark mica ground 38.7 x 25.6 cm (image); 39.1 x 25.6 cm (sheet) Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts 1963.30.38915.11