Toyohara Kunichika: Meiji-za shin kyogen, Fudo reigen no ba (New Play at the Meiji Theatre: The scene 'Miraculous Manifestation of Fudo') - British Museum

Artist: Toyohara Kunichika

Title: Meiji-za shin kyogen, Fudo reigen no ba (New Play at the Meiji Theatre: The scene 'Miraculous Manifestation of Fudo')

Date: October 1893

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Source: British Museum
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Woodblock print, triptych. The kabuki actors Ichikawa Kodanji in the role of Yuten (right), Ichikawa Danjuro IX in the role of Fudo Myoo (centre) and Ichikawa Sadanji in the role of Ikuta Sumidayu (left) in the scene 'Fudo reigen no ba' from the play 'Toyama-zakura Tempo nikki', performed at the Kabukiza theatre, October 1893. Printed inscriptions, signature, seal and date.

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