Utagawa Kuniyoshi: Minamoto no Yoshinaka ason 源義仲朝臣 / Meisho shiten kagami 名將四天鑑 (Mirror of the Quarters of Retainers of Famous Generals) - British Museum

Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Title: Minamoto no Yoshinaka ason 源義仲朝臣 / Meisho shiten kagami 名將四天鑑 (Mirror of the Quarters of Retainers of Famous Generals)

Date: 1848 (circa (published posthumously in 1863))

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Source: British Museum
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Woodblock print, oban tate-e, part of a triptych. Minamoto no Yoshinaka wearing a helmet and holding a ribboned baton; his four retainers all are wearing armour (clockwise from top: Imai Shiro Kanehira, Tate Rokuro Chikatada, Higuchi Jiro Kanemitsu, and Nenoi Daiyata Yukichika).

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