Japanese Print "Iwai Hanshiro as Monomi no Omatsu 岩井半四郎の物見のお松" by Utagawa Kunisada

Japanese Print "Iwai Hanshiro as Monomi no Omatsu 岩井半四郎の物見のお松" by Utagawa Kunisada, 歌川国貞 (Utagawa Kunisada (歌川国貞 Toyokuni III))

Artist:Utagawa Kunisada

Title:Iwai Hanshiro as Monomi no Omatsu 岩井半四郎の物見のお松


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Source:British Museum
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Colour woodblock print, oban. The kabuki actor Iwai Hanshiro V in the role of Monomi no Omatsu, emerging from a bamboo thicket at night, in the play ‘Yamatogana Heike monogatari’ (倭仮名平家物語) by Sakurada Jisuke II; performed at the Ichimura theatre in the 11th month of 1824 (Bunsei 7).

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