Utagawa Kunisada: Matsumoto Koshiro as Agemaki no Sukeroku 松本幸四郎の揚巻の助六 - British Museum

Artist: Utagawa Kunisada

Title: Matsumoto Koshiro as Agemaki no Sukeroku 松本幸四郎の揚巻の助六

Date: 1828 (Bunsei 5)

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Source: British Museum
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Colour woodblock print, one sheet numbered ‘three’, (‘san’), of an oban polyptych. The kabuki actor Matsumoto Koshiro V as Agemaki’s lover, Sukeroku, (‘Agemaki no Sukeroku’), in the play ‘Sukeroku sakura no futae obi’ (助六桜二重帯); performed at the Kawarasaki-za in the 3rd month of 1822 (Bunsei 5). A section of dialogue above.

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